Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Freudian Much?

Best. Quote. Ever.

"The candidates that can't face Fox, can't face Al Qaeda." — Roger Ailes, CEO of the Faux News Network

This gem was in reference to the Democrats' refusal to participate in a Faux News debate back in April (probably because they had recently broadcast the "story" that Obama is a militant Muslim, which he's, you know, not).

Did you see what Ailes did there? He just compared his own network to Al Qaeda! He's calling his own "reporters" as ferocious an enemy as terrorists! Seriously, this seems like something you'd find in The Onion.


Lauren said...

Wait, Obama is not a militant Muslim? WTF?!?! That's why I didn't vote for him! Foiled again by Fox.

Anonymous said...

I try to forgot that Fox even exists... so I'm not gonna lie, it took me a moment to see the "faux" thing.

yeah... um, they need to change Fox News to Fox Comedy Central. Or something that would be funny if I was funny, lol.