Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dance Dance Revolution

Okay, so I know that just posting a bunch of embedded videos is kind of lazy blogging, but I think President Bush is actually doing an African fertility dance here:

If only he had spent the past seven years embarrassing us with his garish gyrating rather than embarrassing us by invading places like Iraq and Canada. Okay, so hasn't actually invaded Canada yet, but you know he's going to. I mean, he's got another 10 months.

And hey, didn't Pakistan just have an election? Didn't we just shoot poisonous space junk out of the atmosphere? And didn't some dictator just resign or something?

Whatevs. Keep dancing, Pinocchio.


Neal said...

you say embarrassed... i say the proudest moment of my life.

Em said...

Monkeys can dance! That's the headline!

Erin Clark said...

alt.RELIGION.projectrunway? Nice. ;)

And quit being mean to monkeys.