Sunday, February 10, 2008

An Evening in Movements

An evening at the La Jolla Symphony last night offered a fascinating cross-section of the denizens of San Diego:

Directly in front of me sat two sparsely-washed college students sporting matching yarn beanies (and matching earnest attention to the music).

Clockwise, to my right, sat a 60-something-year-old Asian man who spent the entire show beating out the melody on his shoe with his fingers.

Behind me was a woman in a business suit whose tap-tap-tapping into her cell phone keypad let up only during intermission, when she pulled out her laptop and, I don't know, traded futures or something.

And lastly, to my left, sat my husband, who spent the entire post-intermission portion of the event attempting to remove a chocolate chip cookie from its wax paper wrapping without making any noise.

Oh, and the music was pretty awesome too.


Unknown said...

Nice! I love when Cole does that, Coke cans are equally (inevitably) noisy. I've noticed that about symphony patrons too; it seems like in the last two years I've seen a lot more youngsters in plain clothes, which is nice because I always go in normal clothes like jeans and a t shirt, unless I'm sneaking in and don't want to stick out. They mix it up a little, and when I'm walking around the lobby at Copley Symphony hall they're a nice familiar sight. It's lucky because we went to the symphony on thursday *SD Symphony) and I had the pleasure and fortune to sit right next to a nosehair whistler-type, who was attempting at being knowledgable all night to his date. It's good times to witness this and identify that someone's just making shit up; like pointing out "That's the Oboe you're hearing" during a bassoon solo.
But smacking a stranger doesn't sit well in a symphony hall. I could go on and on...I wil. The excessive cougher/throat clearer, the phone answerer, the elderly social scene gossiper, and lastly (but not leastly) the poopie and incontinent. You wanna hear about an evening in movements? Ok, alright. You see, Sunday brings the geriatric crowd to Copley and one such Sunday Nathan, Tomoko and myself went. We smelled something strange in the lobby so we ran bets as to who it came out of. Turns out Nathan won, when we learned it was the wheelchair-bound nonegenarian man leaning over, who made a number two right where he sat, and caught some on his wheel. The best part is that he rolled a good 20 feet and left a perfect trail behind him, effectively increasing the surface area of his doodie and therefore the smell.
There was a cashier working a gift stand about four feet from it, and she had to stay right there even though the area was taped off. She looked completely demoralized, it was tragically hilarious is the best way to describe it.
Yeah, the symphony does pull in some trippy crowds, I love to be on the audience end when I can. Thank you so much for stepping into my world, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Erin Clark said...

What a moving story!

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Heh.

We really did have a lot of fun (plus, I got to make Cole wear a button-up shirt.)