Sunday, April 13, 2008

I've Changed My Mind about the Bosons

So regarding that whole god particle machine I was writing about — I would like to hereby issue a retraction regarding its coolness factor. Because apparently while the vaunted atom smasher might indeed open tiny little windows into brave new worlds thereby revolutionizing science and faith as we know it, it may instead give birth to a star-system-gobbling black hole. No joke. According to an article in the New York Times, critics (read: other people with PhD's in astrophysics) assert that the machine may well create a black whole that will instantly suck the Earth, all of its inhabitants, and possibly even Arthur Dent into it.

Um, hello, bad? Not only because I'd rather my skull not be condensed into the size of a nanobot, but also because if that doesn't happen, do you have any idea how many terrible faux-fi movies this will spawn? Seriously, deearthification might actually be preferable.


Unknown said...

Alright...I read that whole article and whoa dude, it reads like science fiction! I like when one of the scientists on the team of looney tunes points out that in the remote likelihood that a black hole IS created, it probably wouldn't be able to gobble up the entire earth for at least four days or so. Then he adds with a maniacal half smile "but if we were to create an actual black hole, that would be pretty amazing". I paraphrase but it was to that effect.

Erin Clark said...

Yeah, that article tripped me out. I'd seen some scientist on The Daily Show mention it a couple of weeks ago but I thought he was kidding.

Guess not.

Damn you bosons!