Monday, January 28, 2008

Pundits in Waiting

Advising a high school newspaper has its downsides: Ridiculously late nights battling antiquated computers, reading and re-reading embarrassingly pubescent articles about the ideal Valentine's date, and the bleak and certain knowledge that comma usage is in no way, shape or form taught in the Californian school system anymore.

But there are bright spots, too. My newspaper staff decided, with no input from me, to use this month's staff editorial to endorse a presidential candidate. A group of them worked together to craft a compelling narrative of their A.P. Government course's propulsion of an apathetic senior class into political consciousness. They described seniors proudly registering to vote, reading campaign literature, and advocating for their positions. They described the devastation of a student whose birthday falls on February seventh, and how she decided to participate regardless by volunteering as a poll worker. And they wrote about the candidate who had sparked their collective imagination. I'll let you guess who that was.

I've never heard a debate in my newbie newsroom as vigorous as the one that took place over this editorial. It made me proud.

I have to say, though, that I don't know how proud I would have been had they endorsed Mike Huckabee...


Lauren said...

John Edwards??? Whoo!

Anonymous said...

lol please say Ron Paul, please say Ron Paul!