Friday, January 25, 2008

I'll Throw the Golden Gate in Free

Today in the shower as I stood patiently waiting for the recommended three minutes of hair conditioning time to elapse, I decided to entertain myself by reading the back of my Cherry Blossom Creamy Body Wash bottle. I learned that as part of the product's "daily beauty ritual" patrons can expect to enjoy "naturally pampering ingredients" such as moisturizing oat protein (as opposed, one presumes, to the more commonly known salinating oat protein), skin-smoothing silk protein and "conditioning milk amino acids."

Conditioning acids? Conditioning acids?

Surprisingly, the methylchloroisothiazolinone was omitted from the "naturally pampering ingredients" list and relegated to the smaller-fonted and ignominiously monikered "ingredients" list further down the bottle. I think the Bath and Body Works P.R. folks missed a real opportunity there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You must've been feeling pret-ty fancy that day, to pamper your self with a nice methylchloroisothiazolinone rinse. They're my second favorite. Sometimes when I get depressed, I cut myself and marinate myself in hot distilled vinegar, with some phenylmethacarbonucleic acid mixed in. After awhile the tears and the vinegar start to taste the same!