Thursday, January 31, 2008

Fooled Me Twice

Tonight ABC aired what it has long billed as a "Two-Hour Lost Premiere Event." Ass that I am, I thought this meant a two-hour Lost premiere event. Like, two hours. Of show. You know, an event, full of Lost-iness. Two hours of it.

In point of fact, what they meant was a one-hour premiere, preceded by an hour-long "previously on Lost." But with fancy narration, and presumably premium-dollar ad breaks.

Of course, considering this is practically the only scripted show on the air right now, they could probably air five minutes of scripted content buffered by half an hour of Hurley doing jumping jacks on either side and people would still tune in.


Unknown said...

Shit, I'd watch two hours of just Hurley eating, doing jumping jacks, and nodding off at the park.

Unknown said...

as you may have gathered from the fact that i told you, i found this 'premiere' to be very boring. i wish they'd just get off the island already and end the show. how was it good? make me a believer.