Sunday, January 13, 2008

Fact Check 101

I’m sure those of you watching election coverage have been inundated over the past several days with the “change versus experience” narrative. You know, the story of the well-intentioned upstart sapling who wants change, Barack Obama, and the seasoned political veteran with (in her own words) thirty-five years of experience, Hillary Clinton. In this scenario, the voter finds him or herself forced to choose between someone with good ideas and rousing rhetoric but the inability to get anything accomplished, and the less inspiring but eminently capable opponent with a proven track record. What’s a poor voter to do?

Well, the poor voter’s first step is probably to turn off the damn TV and do a little de-spinning. I’d like to combat this absurd “change versus experience” lie with something I call facts. Chris Matthews, pay attention.

Fact: Hillary Clinton first held public office when she was elected as New York’s U.S. Senator in 2000. She currently has seven years of elected political experience, during which time she was directly responsible to a constituency.

Fact: Seven and thirty-five are two very different numbers.

Fact: Barack Obama first held public office when he was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1997. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004. He has eleven years of elected political experience, during which time he was directly responsible to a constituency.

Fact: Prior to holding political office, Hillary Clinton worked for the corporate law firm Rose Law. Clients included WalMart and TCBY. She also served on the board of directors for several corporations – Lafarge and, interestingly, WalMart and TCBY.

Fact: While Hillary Clinton served on the WalMart board (1986 to 1992) the corporation earned a reputation as one of the most dedicated and effective union-busters in the nation.

Fact: Prior to holding political office, Barack Obama worked as a community organizer and civil rights attorney and also taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School for eleven years.

Fact: Prior to becoming president, Bill Clinton held the office of Arkansas Attorney General for two years (he ran unopposed) and Arkansas Governor for twelve years (it would have been longer, but he was voted out for a while and then came back). He had fourteen years of elected political experience, but zero years of elected political experience outside of the state of Arkansas before he became president.

Fact: When Bill Clinton was sworn in as President, he was 46 years old.

Fact: Barack Obama is currently 46 years old. If he wins the presidential election, he will be 47 years old when he is sworn in.

What can be made of all of this? Let’s see if I can play Hardball, Chris Matthews. Barack Obama has more elected political experience and than Hillary Clinton does. Where Hillary Clinton has spent her life as a shill for corporate greed, Barack Obama has spent his teaching and applying American democratic principles. Furthermore, he is probably better prepared for the presidency than Bill Clinton was when he took office.

This is why it’s called the idiot box.


armymom said...

Let me see if I get this right, but it seems to me that. from 1997 to 2004 is seven years, and Obama was elected to the U S Senate in 2004 and he is working on his second term, so that is about 8 1/2 years not Eleven. Clinton has been in the U S Senate for one term and and in her second term. if anything they are about even as far as being in the State or U S Senate. If you want to know all about Clinton and Obama go to will tell you all the info about Clinton and Obama . Clintons is alot longer than Obamas. And you talked about Clinton working for wal-mart, but what you didn't tell is that Obamas wife Michelle was on the board of Treehouse foods that supplied wal-mart. You didn't tell that HIllary Clinton was a Teacher at the University of Arkansas Law School in Fayetteville, or that she was on the Yale Law Journal board of Editors. You should tell people what the Harvard Law review is, it is a Student run Organization whose primary Purpose is to Publish a Journal of Legal Scholarship. Also if you going to bring Bill Clinton into this and tell about him please bring in infromation about Michelle Obamas to. Fair is fair.

Erin Clark said...

I have no idea where you're getting the number 8 1/2. This is Obama's 12th year in elected office (I will list them for ease of counting: 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008).

Anyone can cherry pick. For example, your biography of Hillary Clinton omits the fact that she volunteered on Barry Goldwater's presidential campaign (which says nothing good about her judgment).

Also, I'm not sure why I should tell my blog readers what the Harvard Law Review is since my post didn't mention it at all; however, if you feel it's relevant, I am happy to share that the honor of editing any school's law review is one of the highest distinctions a law student can receive. The fact that Barack Obama was selected by his peers to lead the Harvard Law Review is a reflection of his academic excellence.

Lastly, I didn't bring up Michelle Obama because unlike Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama is not running for office as the flag-bearer of his spouse's presidency. Regardless, my point regarding Bill Clinton was simply that it's a bit odd for Hillary Clinton to take such exception to Barack Obama's so-called lack of experience when her own husband was equally inexperienced when he took office. But then, irony doesn't seem to have proven much of a strength in the Clinton campaign lately.