Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Face of Things to Come?

After following the coverage of today's South Carolina Democratic primary, what stands out to me is less the fact that Barack Obama won by nearly a 30-point spread (crazily impressive thought that is) than the monstrous size of the voter turnout.

Apparently turnout in today's primary increased by a whopping 75% from the 2004 South Carolina Democratic primary. Steve Jobs would kill for that growth rate. This traditionally fire-engine red state turned out well over half a million Democratic primary voters as opposed to 290,000 four years ago.

Given the fact that South Carolinians have historically been about as likely to vote Democrat in presidential elections as to name their state food granola, today's turnout is even more stunning in comparison to last week's South Carolina Republican primary, with voters numbering 400,000 and change. Perhaps most worthy of note, Obama apparently garnered more votes today than John McCain and Ron Paul (first and second place respectively) picked up in the state last week combined.

Dum spiro spero indeed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, way to apply Dum Spiro Spero...I had to Wikipedia, but good reference!. Yes, I was very happy when I caught the headline Obama won in SC. Not that it wouldn't be funny to see Hilary, badmouthing the opposition and getting misty on command and her hubby poking around causing mischief. I can just see him now, in a velvet bathrobe chasing interns around.