Monday, July 7, 2008

Win-Win. Win.

Gosh, why didn't anyone just think of this sooner? We're saved!

McCain: I'll Cut the Deficit by Winning Iraq War

Considering McCain's assertion that U.S. troops staying in Iraq for 100 years would be "fine with him," I can't say this gives me a lot of economic confidence in a McCain presidency.

Not that I really had any, given that he's already admitted he's "not an expert" on "this stuff." Of course, he now denies having said that. Someone really needs to tell McCain about the YouTube:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The man is a genius! I'm pretty sure actually "winning" and leaving has never actually occurred to our hero Dubya so this is an improvement, albeit in the same pie-in-the-sky manner we're used to.