Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Insert Skeletal Pun Here

One of the things that seems to happen to me every summer is the discovery of some excellent television show (which I assert do, in point of fact, exist) that for some reason I have been totally oblivious to up till that point. This summer, being no exception to the pattern, has brought me Bones, the story of a crime-fighting forensic anthropologist and her actor-formerly-known-as-Angel partner.

Looking back, I think the reason I didn't start watching this show three years ago was that I was still livid over the cancellation of Angel, which I have now almost kind of gotten over (recent purchase of full-series DVD box set notwithstanding). The show really does have a little bit of everything: CSI-style mystery of the week, seasonal arcs that manage not to be too intrusive, humor that generally avoids the overly pedestrian, and of course the requisite star-crossed should-be lovers.

Plus, all of season one is currently up for free at Hulu, so really, you have no excuse.

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