Saturday, July 12, 2008

Panic at the Disco

There's something wrong with the economy. I know it. You know it. I've had to restructure my personal finances to accommodate rising gas costs. The condo diagonally above us has been empty for over a year. IndyMac got bailed out — no, seized — yesterday (and I only kind of even know what that means). Smart people are telling me to get out of the stock market. Not that I'm in the stock market (I won't even buy into a poker game for more than three bucks), but it's well-intended and urgently delivered advice.

And while I've read many attempts at analyzing fragments of the problem, I've had a hard time wrapping my head around exactly what the hell is going on.

Today I read an interesting and historically informed article attempting to holistically answer that question: The Panic of 2008: A Turning Point.

Check it out.

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