Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pretty Good with a Bow Staff

Did you know there really is such a thing as cage fighting? I thought that was just something they had in post-apocalyptic '80s movies. Apparently it not only exists, but in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and other towns on the cutting edge of culture it's making a comeback. According to a fellow linked in this enlightening article, "It's like the hardest core." And that eloquent description comes from a guy who works for a Hummer dealership, so you know it's got to mean something.

Any sport requiring the rule "no fingers in bodily orifices" strikes me as a bit... I dunno, crazypants?

However. In the event that I am kidnapped by Nazi space pirates and forced to become a cage fighter, I can only hope that I am allowed to wear a traditional Mongolian fighting cap. I think it would aid me in my victory.


Unknown said...

oh, blah blah blah.

Sioux Falls, Santee, what's the real difference?

You want to see some real DITB cutting edge culture, come to SF!!

Unknown said...

p.s. I agree that dude doesn't know what 'the hardest core' is. i mean, for god's sake, there is no mention of good clean fun _or_ converge. i mean for god's sake!

Erin Clark said...

I dunno - proximity to a body of water with whales in it and the presence of Mexican food cooked by people whose last name isn't Smith?

I think your lack of Hummerocity prevents you from fully appreciating the art and science of cage fighting.

Em said...

That hat owns. Where can I get one?

We are so civilized!

Erin Clark said...

Probably Mongolia?

Unknown said...

haha...probably Mongolia...Love it.
We all know Nazi Space pirates are all lesbians, they'd probably push that on you first.