Tuesday, March 4, 2008


In honor of the departure of one of the biggest congealments of crazy from the presidential race, I present to you my five favorite Mike Huckabee quotes:

1. "I'm pretty sure there will be duck-hunting in heaven and I can't wait!"

2. "We ought to declare that we will be free of energy consumption in this country within a decade."

3. "[Some of my opponents] do not want to change the Constitution, but I believe it's a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God, and that's what we need to do is to amend the Constitution so it's in God's standards rather than try to change God's standards."

4. "If you want to believe that you and your family came from apes, I'll accept that... I believe there was a creative process."

And I would remiss if I did not include...

5. "When we were in college we used to take a popcorn popper — because that was the only thing they would let us have in the dorms — and fry squirrels in the popcorn popper."

So long, Huck!


Anonymous said...

It is people who strongly believe that he should be our next president that terrify me more than he himself terrifies me.

Lauren said...

So, um, #3... Hello Handmaid's Tale!!!!

What a fucking freak.

Em said...

I need a popcorn popper the size of that assmunch. Then I'll laugh and snack on his entrails.

Erin Clark said...

But now who will we mock??? I mean, McCain may be crazypants, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't eat rodents.
