Monday, March 17, 2008

Why I Like the Stuff I Like

While I lazily and confessedly use the Fellow Travelers link in my sidebar as something of a makeshift self-serving set of bookmarks, I thought I'd take a moment to explain why they're worth checking out for the rest of you who wander through here occasionally.

Daily Kos — I'm a big proponent of tossing the myth of objective journalism out the window and returning to the days of owning one's lens and reporting accordingly. And that's what Kossacks do.

Go Fug Yourself — Because thongkinis are never okay.

Open Left — A less cool Daily Kos, but still worth an occasional browse.

Slightly Perfervid — A friend's insightful and often amusing blog asserting that happiness and neuroses are not mutually exclusive.

The Futon Critic — This site is pretty much the only way I can keep track of what is airing when, since there's about as much consistency and logic to network airing schedules these days as there is to Bush's position on FISA.

The Huffington Post — Sort of like The Drudge Report, but with way more bloggers and way fewer trojan horses.

The Mean Bean — A friend's fledgling vegetarian blog. Lots of awesome recipes for people who are more microwave than Martha.

United Hollywood — Because if there's one thing I love more than pop culture, it's organized labor. Wait, strike that, reverse it. Or not. Doesn't matter; UH has both.

Do you write or read an awesome blog I don't know about (*cough*ProjectRunway*cough*)? Let me know!

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