Saturday, October 4, 2008


The only thing better than watching the vice presidential debate every four years is watching it with a group of people all equipped with food to throw at the TV when one of the candidates devolves into spouting talking points and gibberish. Four years ago it was Cheney and lunch meat. This year it was Palin and popcorn (we have a new TV).

Confessedly, one of the moments that elicited the most raised eyebrows from my highly unscientific living room poll was Joe Biden's reference to "Bozniaks" living in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I mean, it's Bosnians, right? Silly Joe.

Except for not. Apparently, Bozniaks is indeed the correct term for Muslims living in the region. And we weren't the only ones who were confused. Even Cokie Roberts chastised Biden for this perceived gaffe. Silly Cokie.

As for me, I'm just glad to be casting my vote for someone who knows more about foreign policy than I do. I mean, no offense to soccer moms, but I'd rather have the guy who knows the difference between Bosnians and Bosniaks (let alone Sunni and Shia) a heartbeat away from The Button.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Actually to achieve absolute alliteration all you'd 'ave to alter is "Cheney and lunchmeat" to Cheney and Charcuterie" to match "Palin and Popcorn". McCain and margaritas? Naw, new tv. Nevermindb on that one..