Thursday, September 4, 2008

I Miss Veronica Mars

You know what I really hate about your garden variety high school TV show? It's not the insipid dialogue. It's not the banal yet soapy plot lines. It's not even the fact that every frame is a free ad for the Anorexia is the New Awesome Council of America.

No, what I hate about high school TV shows is the fact that every time there's an actual classroom scene, the camera opens on the teacher asking what is clearly a beginning-of-class question (such as "Who wants to tell me how a haiku was defined in last night's reading?") and ends thirty seconds later with the bell ringing. At which point the teacher inevitably waits until half of the students have poured out of class before remembering that maybe he should tell them what tonight's homework is.

Gah. No wonder voters think teachers need better accountability.


Unknown said...

I love how your subject lines have become part of the point that aren't repeated in the body of the message. It's kinda like when you see parts of a movie trailer that aren't in the movie but become part of it anyway.

Unknown said...

This post just came back into my head, and I thought of South Park when the class scene always opens up with Mr./Ms Garrison saying something like "So that's Mr Hat's theory that all mens are invertebrate slime", or "and that's why Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen will always need to breathe salt water through their gills."