Monday, November 19, 2007


When I was small(er) I used to bounce of bed as soon as the sky turned pink and immediately accost the television in order to spend the greatest possible number of minutes watching short, pig-like men hunt wabbits (or whatever the cartoon du jour happened to be). The prospect of lounging around in bed when there was a perfectly good world just waiting to be tromped around in seemed absurd. Attempts to rouse my parents were generally met with muffled go-aways till the hour-hand hit at least eight, and just as well, because they probably would have changed the channel anyway.

Today I rolled grumpily out of bed at 10:00, largely because my neck itched and there was a dog standing on my kidney. God I'm old.

Speaking of people who are increasingly geriatrically inclined, happy birthday to my youthful partner in cartoonage, Neal. I hope you like the prostate health book I bought you.


Lauren said...

I jumped happily out of bed at eight so I could work on a book review for my blog. Yay blog! Love!

Janessa said...

I grumpily rolled out of bed at 6:30 because I had a crying baby. I wish I could sleep in until 10:00.

Em said...

wtf... 10? So early! Go back to sleep!

Unknown said...

Seriously blood, how are you sleeping until 10 on a monday? don't you have school? jealous :-(

Erin Clark said...

Clearly I have gotten up both too early and too late. Heh.

And Neal, I'm on this crazy thing called VACATION. All this week, actually.

I mock your jealousy, capitalist running dog. MOCK.