Saturday, November 1, 2008

Flying Pigs (in Lipstick, Even)

I never thought I'd say this, but Sarah Palin was correct. Her assertion that "dinosaurs and humans walked the Earth at the same time" is irrefutably accurate, and I stand wholly corrected. Never again will I mock her claims that she has "seen pictures of human footprints inside the tracks [of dinosaur fossils]."

I concede the point entirely, and come bearing evidence proof positive:

Now let's put that lady one melanoma-stricken heartbeat away from the big red button!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Got Legs?

Yesterday I saw a man in a wheelchair wrestling with his keyring in the building where I work. Both of his legs had been amputated at the knee. As I walked behind him I glanced at his t-shirt. Poking above the top of the chair's seat was the image of a frog. The caption above?

That's right.

"Got legs?"

I. am. not. making. this. up.

I have secretly named him Mr. Beckett because he is clearly that kind of awesome.

And in completely unrelated news, your Moment of Zen, featuring break-dancing Russians who really love Sarah Palin (like really a lot):

Aaaand here's a direct link.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Suffering Fools

Yesterday, as I was leaving the pharmacy, I walked behind an SUV that had just pulled in with a McCain-Palin sticker emblazoned on the back. As I passed behind it a woman launched herself from the passenger seat followed shortly by a man on the driver's side who tumbled from the car shouting — shouting! — "Women just shouldn't be allowed to drive!"

I was sorely tempted to stop him and inquire as to what logic led him to believe that the female human animal is incapable of operating a motor vehicle but is nonetheless fully qualified to occupy the Vice Presidency. However, he was far too busy chasing after his wife (who was unsurprisingly storming away from him with the force of a Cat-5) for me to engage in what would undoubtedly have been a most enlightening exchange.

And for the record? Women get cheaper auto insurance rates than men do because women get in fewer accidents. Not that I'd want to confuse Mr. Shirt-Tucked-Into-My-High-Waisted-Acid-Wash-Jeans with pesky facts.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Old Reliable: Matt Drudge

Yesterday afternoon the state of Alaska found that Governor Sarah "Flat-Earther" Palin abused her power in her handling of the Wooten/Monegan/Troopergate scandal. But you already knew that, I'm sure.

Unless, of course, you get your news from the Drudge Report. I'd link it, but if you have a PC as soon as you click the link your computer will have so many Trojan Horses it will be the stuff of legends. (Ba dum BA!)

Nutshell: Matt Drudge is a right-wing mouthpiece who sits in front of his computer 20 hours a day trolling the intertubes for incendiary headlines such as "Cindy McCain accuses Obama of endangering her son in Iraq" and "Did 'SOUTH PARK' go too far this time?" to link on his website. It's a good place to go looking for news stories about freaks in middle America who have some sort of "I'm Allergic to My Refrigerator" club, but a lousy place to go for unbiased news links.

Had Barack Obama been found guilty of the sort of misconduct Palin was found to have committed in the Alaskan state report, I would be willing to bet actual cash money that Drudge would have unearthed some extreme close-up of Obama looking like he was about to eat a baby and splashed it across the top of his site with the gigantic headline "GUILTY!"

Take a look at today's Drudge page. It's kind of like Where's Waldo, but without the so-last-season red striped shirt.

See up at the top where Obama would be eating the baby? Now see that little waving lady down in the corner? And the little bitty headline under it? No?

Try here.

Good old Drudge.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


The only thing better than watching the vice presidential debate every four years is watching it with a group of people all equipped with food to throw at the TV when one of the candidates devolves into spouting talking points and gibberish. Four years ago it was Cheney and lunch meat. This year it was Palin and popcorn (we have a new TV).

Confessedly, one of the moments that elicited the most raised eyebrows from my highly unscientific living room poll was Joe Biden's reference to "Bozniaks" living in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I mean, it's Bosnians, right? Silly Joe.

Except for not. Apparently, Bozniaks is indeed the correct term for Muslims living in the region. And we weren't the only ones who were confused. Even Cokie Roberts chastised Biden for this perceived gaffe. Silly Cokie.

As for me, I'm just glad to be casting my vote for someone who knows more about foreign policy than I do. I mean, no offense to soccer moms, but I'd rather have the guy who knows the difference between Bosnians and Bosniaks (let alone Sunni and Shia) a heartbeat away from The Button.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Islamic Children Gassed in Dayton, Ohio

On Friday, American terrorists in Dayton, Ohio sprayed chemical weapons into the child care room of a local mosque, interrupting practitioners praying in recognition of the Islamic holy month.

A firsthand account of the attack may be found here. The woman alluded to in the link immigrated here from Syria, where she and her children had fled after leaving Iraq. They came to America full of hope for a life free from hatred and persecution. Oh, what a welcoming people we are.

Happy Ramadan.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Would You Like Defibrillation with That?

Today's Headline O' Awesome: Dog Dials 911 When Owner Has Seizure

And here I was pleased when my dog learned to run through an agility course nylon tube. For shame.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

McCain Would Tax Health Care Benefits

Earlier this week, I wrote about the differences between the tax plans proposed by Obama and McCain and the comparative benefit of Obama's plan for working class and middle class people. When I wrote that, there was something I didn't know about John McCain and taxes — something that puts the two candidates in even starker contrast.

Despite having claimed publicly and repeatedly that he would not raise any taxes, McCain's tax plan would in fact do exactly that. (Some people have a word for that. It starts with an L.) If John McCain becomes president, he will tax your employer-provided health care benefits. That means if you're a teacher like me, with absolutely no change to your actual income, McCain's plan would in effect treat you as though you'd just received a huge raise of thousands of dollars.

His so-called offset for this proposal would be to provide a tax credit of $2,500 per person, or $5,000 per family. Never mind the fact that the average employer-provided health care costs employers roughly $8,000 dollars a year. McCain is more than happy to treat you as though you've just received a $3,000 raise.

Why are middle-class people and fiscal conservatives voting for this man?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Calling All Fiscal Conservatives

Today's Website O' Awesome is brought to you by Alchemy Today, a burgeoning political blog:

Using data compiled by the non-partisan Tax Policy Center and further publicized in the Washington Post, Alchemy Today has created a widget that allows you to compare the tax cuts you would receive under the tax plans proposed by Obama and McCain.

It's actually quite fascinating. Under McCain's tax proposal, my husband and I would receive a $40 tax cut. Under Obama's plan, we would receive a $971 tax cut. Our present income would have to more than triple before we'd get a better deal under McCain. Furthermore, we'd have to make more than $250,000 before Obama would increase our taxes.

The bottom line: If your combined household income is $200,000 or less, you will pay less taxes under Obama than McCain.

Plus, widgets rock.

Added note: Further research into the the Washington Post's findings indicates that you would have to make more than $600,000 a year before you'd see a tax increase under a President Obama. Huh. I guess Rush Limbaugh must have just been, you know, misinformed or something.

Monday, September 8, 2008

If Only She'd Had My Vote to Lose

The City of Wasilla, home of Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin, has responded to "a flurry" of requests and begun today to release public files to the media. Anyone with access to the internet can access the documents through the City of Wasilla's website here.

One item of interest to me is the city's response to requests regarding Palin's book-banning attempts. According to The New York Times, Palin attempted to have Wasilla's librarian fired for "disloyalty" (apparently a big Palin peeve) after she resisted the then-mayor's suggestions that book-banning ought to be considered. The firing attempt was blocked by public outcry.

According to the city's records, no books were actually banned as a result. Good. Nonetheless, this raises some serious questions about Sarah Palin's commitment to democratic (small d) ideals.

For now, there's plenty to dig through. Kuddos to Wasilla for releasing these documents to the public. Assuming they weren't thoroughly scrubbed.